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What events do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy going to outdoor events, like concerts. My favourite style of music is eletronic, because I love to feel the beat of songs. Last summer I went to a concert with my sister. We went to see two singers, one of them is my favourite. He is called Gret Jaker, but this is a stage name. In fact, he’s called Nicholas James Murphy. I loved his concert, because it was very simple, it was just him, the piano and the audience. All the public entered the vibe and the singer managed to convey all his feelings.

It was an unforgettable night!

Ana Inês | 9º A

I would like to go to a film festival with my friends,because it would be an opportunity to spend more time with them and create new memories.

The festival that I’d love to go is the Miami short film festival because it combines two of the things that I would like the most to do: going to a film festival and going to Miami Beach. The type of movies that I like the most are: comedy, action and horror.

I would also like to go to a Niall Horan concert because I love his songs. I think his solo career has helped him to evolve as an artist and now I like him a lot more than the other members of the old band, One Direction. I think his songs convey a lot of things about love and life and that’s why I love him so much.

I also love Sheeran because his songs have a huge meaning, beautiful lyrics and a fantastic melody, and also because he is the one who writes the songs.

I would like to go and see a concert and also make a song together with them.

Rita Miguel- 9º B

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